The Case for Arts Integration

Subjects: Education, Higher, Arts In Education
Imprint: A2RU Intervals
Open Access : 9781607855996, 52 pages, 12 x 10, November 2019
Paperback : 9781607855989, 52 pages, 12 x 10, February 2020
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The Case for Arts Integration is a tool for connecting across campus, outlining the “what,” “why,” and “how” of arts integration. While this book shows how arts integration can function on campus, and its range of impacts, the case it makes is broad and all-encompassing. On many campuses, a few faculty or staff are champions of arts integration. This book is designed to help them build broader support for arts integration at many levels, including among university leadership. Each university will want to define what arts integration looks like for them and how it fits into their unique cultural landscape.

Like all A2RU’s programs, The Case for Arts Integration is grounded in research and developed through integration and synthesis. This resource supports the work of arts integration on-campus, and draws on insights gathered from over 600 interviews with academic leaders, institutional officers, faculty, staff, and students at over 60 research universities. The A2RU research team systematically reviews these insights for evidence of the positive impacts, successful patterns, best practices, recurring challenges, and salient stories of arts integration.

A companion workbook, The Case for Arts Integration: Workbook, is also available as a hands-on tool designed to help you map how the arts and arts integration advances your university’s mission.