Introduction to ARM Assembler
Introduction to ARM Assembler is a 200-page booklet focused on the use and construction of the computer software tool known as Raspbery Pi. It includes an extensive array of computer tools aimed at interfacing the Raspbery Pi software to a hardware computer.
William Pervin is Professor Emeritus of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Texas at Dallas. He previously served as Head of the Computer Science Program, Master of the Engineering School, and Head of the Computer Engineering Program there. He also was Chair of the Mathematics Department at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and Director of the Regional Computer Center for the University of Texas.
Roger Ferrer is a research engineer at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center. His line of work has mostly revolved around research and development of compilers in the field of High-Performance Computing, in particular around OpenMP, tasking models and vectorization. Due to compilers bridging high-level and low-level concerns, Roger's interests span from programming languages to low-level architecture details.