Constructed Latinx(s) Identities
Racialized Bodies in Visual and Textual Culture
Constructed Latinx(s) Identities: Racialized Bodies in Visual and Textual Culture consists of ten interdisciplinary essays that discuss recent forms and interpretations of the histories and traditions of the Latinx communities present in film, literature, television, and other cultural expressions. Using specific case studies, the authors of this collection delve into the intersections of identity in Latinx production and representation and challenge the colonial and modern power structures that have continuously racialized and gendered Latinx bodies. In addition to deconstructing these power structures, the chapters attempt to recover knowledge buried or shunned by colonialism and modernity, as well as offer alternative and nonhierarchical forms of defining Latinx and forming pluri-identitary and multivoiced communities. The concept of Latinx continues to evolve, to be renegotiated, and to be embedded with new meanings and subjectivities. As such, all chapters not only encourage further debate about racialization and the interaction of the various historical, political, and social contexts in identity formation but also propel all scholars to question their positionality when approaching the concept of Latinx.
José I. Lara is associate professor of Spanish and the academic director of the Martin Richard Institute of Social Justice at Bridgewater State University. He has published several book chapters, reviews, and peer-reviewed articles in national and international academic journals.